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Honolulu Bootcamps – Hawaii Fit Personal Fitness Training

Fitness, Nutrition

Exercises For Reduced Mobility

Reduced mobility varies. There are degrees of immobility and time frames for it. Whether you’re bedridden or just barely getting around with crutches, it doesn’t mean you have to give up exercise. You will have to make adjustments based on your limitations. If your mobility is affected for a longer period, a personal trainer helps. Whether you workout in a chair, in bed, or can move on your own, but not well, every minute of exercise will make you stronger and help boost your health. Always check with your healthcare professional before starting any exercise program.

Start with shorter sessions.

Whether you’re on your back in bed or sitting in a chair, you can always do something to work your muscles. Don’t try to do too much at once. You can do strength, flexibility, and endurance exercises even if you’re chairbound. Your posture affects your entire body. Bad posture can even interfere with breathing. Sit straight and focus on keeping your head erect, not too far forward or backward. Start the upper body exercise by lifting your arms at your side so the upper arms are horizontal and the forearms are vertical at a 90-degree angle. They will look like goalposts with your head in the middle. Pull your forearms backward, maintaining the 90-degree angle and squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do.

Resistance bands can take the place of an entire gym.

Resistance bands come in various sizes and styles. They’re inexpensive and easy to store. You can put them under your feet and either pull up with your hands to build upper body strength or push with your legs to build leg strength. Do back, shoulder, shoulder blade, chest, hamstring, groin, quad, and glute exercises using resistance bands.

Modify your exercises.

Most people with limited mobility can exercise in water. Your body is buoyant in water, which limits stress on the joints. The water adds up to 12 times the resistance you’d have on dry land. It works your body thoroughly. You can modify almost any exercise and do as many as you can. If you’re chairbound, move your upper body. If you have joint pain, go slowly, stopping if it hurts. Don’t forget to do stretches to warm up.

  • There are classes specifically for people with mobility issues. Tai Chi is one example. It’s a mild exercise that can be beneficial for people of all fitness levels.
  • Low-impact exercises are good for people with joint issues. They build strength and increase circulation to help relieve joint pain. Studies show that mild exercise can help relieve pain.
  • Isometric exercises don’t require any movement. You tighten the muscles and hold. Most people think of abdominal exercises when they hear isometrics, but there are ones for every muscle and muscle group.
  • You’ll feel better when you turn on happy music and do a little chair dancing. Getting exercise is all about moving, and any type will do. Even visualizing movement can help strengthen muscles.

For more information, contact us today at Hawaii Fit Camp!