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Honolulu Bootcamps – Hawaii Fit Personal Fitness Training


The Benefits Of Group Fitness

There’s no denying the benefits of private training with a personal trainer. You have a plan designed specifically for your needs, someone who holds you accountable, and watches to ensure you do every exercise correctly. Personal trainers also provide information to help you learn how to make dietary changes and eat healthier. Joining a group fitness class directed by a personal trainer can also bring those same benefits and add a few different ones.

Personal trainers still provide individualized programs for each member of the group.

It may look like everyone is doing the same thing in a group session, but that’s not necessarily true. While everyone may be doing push-ups, each person will have a different number of repetitions. Some may be doing modified forms of the push-up, such as bent-knee push-ups that are easier and better for beginners who lack strength. Others might be doing traditional push-ups or if they’re extremely fit, one-arm push-ups. Each person will work toward their maximum abilities, but still safely within their range.

Group workouts can save money without skimping on benefits.

You’ll get the same benefits as private training, but it won’t cost as much as a private session. Some trainers provide nutrition training that is also personalized. You’ll learn how to cook healthier and make dietary changes with consideration of food allergies, intolerance, and preference. The benefits may be the same, but it costs far less since everyone in the group shares the cost of the trainer’s time. Getting fit is far less expensive in group sessions.

Group sessions can be fun.

There’s a lot of comradery and even some competition in group classes. People often cheer each other on to new personal victories or challenge each other to improve. Sharing your journey toward fitness can be invigorating and confirming. The others keep you accountable and know when you don’t show up or are not putting in full effort. Working out with others can make it more fun.

  • Working in a group can help you create new friends. Unlike working out in a gym, where it’s impersonal with few people talking. People in a group class share the same goal to live a healthier lifestyle and often learn more about each other.
  • Getting help with nutrition can be even better when you’re learning it with a group. People can share ideas and recipes. They even can identify the foods that taste the best and their family loves.
  • You’ll still get individualized attention. The trainer first shows you how to do an exercise and then watches to ensure you do every movement correctly. Doing an exercise incorrectly minimizes the benefits and can lead to injury.
  • Group sessions can build long-lasting friendships. The friends you make also help you maintain your fitness long after the classes end.

For more information, contact us today at Hawaii Fit Camp!