
Lose Body Fat By Changing What You Eat

Lose Body Fat By Changing What You Eat

If you live in Honolulu, HI, and consume a traditional Hawaiian diet, you’re eating healthy. However, the diet of most people has changed dramatically. The changing diet has caused a problem with health and obesity. You can lose body fat by changing what you eat. You don’t have to go back to a traditional diet, you can simply make better food choices that are more nutritious and lower in calories. The ancient diet was 18% fat, but today, it’s 40% fat. It’s no wonder the island is plagued with obesity and conditions directly related, like high blood pressure.

Traditional Hawaiian foods are healthier options.

Before WWII, spam didn’t exist in Hawaii. The military shipped it to Pearl Harbor for soldiers. They brought so much to the island that there was a surplus after the war. The government allowed stores to sell it. Locals embraced it due to the low cost. It’s high in carcinogens, sodium, preservatives, and fat and has little or no nutritional value. Eating less processed foods, including traditional foods like poi, breadfruit, and fish, can help you lose body fat. Just switching from potatoes to breadfruit can help you lose fat while boosting your heart health. It also has a low glycemic rating.

Fat-burning foods are thermogenic.

Thermogenic foods require more calories to digest than most other foods. A few are close to a sum of zero. High protein foods, for instance, require about a third of the calories contained in foods for digestion. They also fill you up and keep you feeling full longer. High-protein foods often contain L-arginine, a metabolism booster. It helps boost HGH, which helps burn fat while increasing your energy level. Eggs, white albacore tuna packed in water, fava beans, and nut butter with only one ingredient, the nut, are high in protein and thermogenic.

Bananas contain potassium and can help burn fat.

If you want to lose weight, foods high in potassium provide benefits. Potassium does many things in the body. It’s a natural diuretic. It helps muscles recover, reduces the risk of heart problems, and helps create glycogen from glucose. Glycogen is held in the muscles and liver. If you don’t have enough, glucose goes directly to fat storage. When you eat foods high in potassium and combine it with exercise, you’ll burn fat while building muscle. Potassium also helps control sugar cravings. Foods high in potassium, besides bananas, include leafy greens, salmon, kale, and avocados.

  • Don’t forget healthy fat. It can help you lose fat. Food containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, grass-fed beef, and walnuts, help prevent insulin spikes. Coconut oil contains an MCT that helps shed belly fat.
  • Food high in magnesium helps boost muscle contractions during exercise, but they also help reduce insulin levels and keep your burning fat at its best.
  • What you drink makes a difference. Sugary drinks should be off-limits if you want to lose fat. Instead of soft drinks, switch to green tea, coffee, or water. All three fill you up and boost your metabolism. Green tea has well-known fat-burning properties.
  • Include beets in your diet. The betaine in beets boosts fat burning and reduces insulin resistance. Increase food with pectin, such as green beans, apples, and strawberries. Pectin blocks fat accumulation.

For more information, contact us today at Hawaii Fit Camp!

Healthy Meals That Are Great For The Whole Family

Healthy Meals That Are Great For The Whole Family

Staying fit and eating wholesome, nutritious meals is a goal of many people in Honolulu, HI. Focusing on nutrition every time you eat can help prevent many of the serious conditions seen today. One way to ensure that happens is by serving and eating healthy meals. It can be quite a challenge, but one that’s well worth the effort. Nutritious meals can also be delicious. They can have eye-appeal, mouth-pleasing textures, and are perfect for both adults and children. Planning a week’s worth of meals and snacks makes it easier to keep your family on track to good health. Here are some ideas.

Start with pre-prepped vegetables.

Create bags of prepped vegetables ready to use for snacks and meals. Prepare celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, and other vegetables. Slice them and store them in bags. They’re snack ready and easy to use for cooking. Combine them with lean sliced meat, mushrooms, bell peppers, or onions for stir fry served with brown rice. Sauté them with spinach, then scramble in eggs and top with feta cheese. Fill a pita, add lettuce, tomatoes, and other fixings, and you have another delicious meal that’s fun to eat.

Prepare fruit ahead.

What’s better than a cold cube of watermelon on a hot day? It’s hard to beat and kids are more likely when it’s in the fridge ready to eat. Prewash berries and grapes. Store grapes on the stem, which are indicators of their freshness. A green stem identifies fresh grapes, while a brown, shriveled one indicates you need to consume them quickly or pop them off the stem and freeze them. Frozen grapes make a refreshing summer treat and tasty ice cubes for cold water. Use the prepared fruit in salads, smoothies, or frozen and blended as an icy dessert.

Have a source of protein ready.

One of the cheapest protein sources is beans. They’re easy to rehydrate and store for a long time while dehydrated. Use a variety of beans for dips and salads or as a filling for healthy burritos or tacos. Boiled chicken provides several meals. The broth makes delicious soups. It’s the perfect way to use leftover veggies. Shred or cube the meat for chicken salad and other meals. Have lean burger patties frozen and ready for a quick meal. Thinly slice leftover beef and use it for stir fry, Kung pao, fajitas, or other healthy beef recipes and serve with quinoa or brown rice.

  • Find the best combination of healthy foods that your family loves. You’ll be surprised at how creative you can get. You can boil eggs ahead for snacks or egg salad for a quick meal.
  • Eating is fun when you try something new, like aquafaba. It’s the liquid from cooked beans. Use it in recipes as a replacement for egg-white, or whipped for meringue, chocolate vegan mousse, mayonnaise, or vegan butter.
  • Serving fatty fish once or twice a week can boost omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon steak, salmon stuffed avocados, salmon patties, and salmon pie are delicious additions. Tuna salad and tuna melts are also kid favorites.
  • Cut out white bread and use whole grains. Instead of pasta, try spaghetti squash or zoodles. Kids love the idea of these fun vegetables and willingly eat eggplant lasagna, spaghetti squash spaghetti, or creamy zoodles and meatballs.

For more information, contact us today at Hawaii Fit Camp!

Easiest Ways To Get Ripped In 3 Months

Easiest Ways To Get Ripped In 3 Months

To get ripped, you need to build muscle and reduce body fat so the well-defined muscle outline is visible. It’s hard to get ripped in 3 months, but not impossible. It does depend on where you’re starting. If you’re out of shape and 100 pounds overweight, there’s no healthy way to achieve it. You can, however, come closer to that fitness level you desire. Getting ripped requires dedication and the adoption of a healthier lifestyle. It takes more than just muscle-building exercises to get the six-pack and bulging biceps.

Start with a healthy diet.

If you have excess fat covering your body, you might have supreme muscle development but nobody will be able to see it. The fat will hide it. You can’t build muscle tissue if your diet is too calorie restricted. It requires balance, providing enough nutrition to build muscles, yet also a small reduction in calories to lose fat. Go for 0.5 to 0,7 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Avoid sugary treats and high-fat foods. Focus on eating lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Don’t forget to include pre and post-workout snacks. Our nutritionist will help create a diet that will build muscle while burning fat.

Your workout plays an important role.

HIIT and circuit training workouts bring the quickest results. There are benefits to both. In circuit training, you perform several types of exercises in a row, with little or no rest between each one. If you time the circuit, it becomes a cardio workout that burns tons of calories. You can combine dips, squats, pullups, pushups, bodyweight rows, and lunges. HIIT training joggles the intensity from peak intensity to moderate recovery intensity. Both types of workouts burn fat and build strength, but HIIT is the best for quick results. Add it to traditional strength-building workouts.

Get plenty of rest.

Your muscles require time to heal. It’s why you avoid working the same muscle groups two days in a row. You also have to get adequate sleep at night. As you sleep, your body does repairs, including repairing the microtears in muscles. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. The rest helps you recover, build faster and put your full energy into your workout.

  • Don’t forget to hydrate frequently. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and boosts your metabolism. It can fill you up to prevent overeating. Try to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day.
  • Schedule everything. It takes dedication and consistency to get ripped. Have a plan of action and follow it closely.
  • Consistency is the key to success for all fitness programs. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.
  • If you need help getting ripped, Egan’s bootcamp has qualified trainers that can help. We can provide you with a nutritional plan to help you reach your goals and the encouragement to reach them.

For more information, contact us today at Hawaii Fit Camp!


Exercises That Target Your Thighs

Exercises That Target Your Thighs

If you’re hoping to lose all the excess weight on your thighs by doing spot exercises, you’ll be sad to hear that spot exercises don’t melt the fat on just the thighs, but all over your body. While you can’t expect to target specific areas of fat with exercise, what it does is build muscle tone and help change total body composition of muscle to fat. That not only helps reduce thigh jiggle, but also helps eliminate the cottage cheese appearance of cellulite.

Get your cardio every day.

The 10,000 step technique is one way to encourage cardiovascular exercise. Nobody is sure that 10,000 steps is the exact number of steps needed, but everyone agrees it’s a good place to start, particularly if you’re sedentary. Find ways to vary your cardio to help work your thighs. Ride a bike to work or take the stairs instead of the elevator. All these work the muscles of the leg, burn fat and help tone your legs. Climbing steps is particularly good for thighs and weight loss.

Bodyweight workouts can tone the thighs.

Squats are good for improving thighs, but also good for everyone, no matter what their goals, especially seniors. You use the same muscles in a squat as you use for getting in and out of chairs. Squats can be tricky at first if you’re doing them right, so you can use a chair for balance or do wall squats. To modify the area worked, adjust the width of your feet from close together and narrower than shoulder width, to shoulder width and wider. It will work all the muscles in your legs and keep workouts interesting as you add the modifications to your workout.

Ballet strengthens the legs and thighs, so mimic the movements.

There are a number of exercises that look like ballet moves. In fact, plie squats are named after one. It’s a regular squat that uses a wider stance and has feet pointed outward, like in a plie. Those tone the inner thighs dramatically. Be your own exercise machine by supplying resistance when you work your inner thigh muscles. Sit with feet and knees about 12″ apart and put the palms of each hand on the inside of the corresponding thigh. Try to push your thighs together, while you create resistance with your hands. You can then put your thighs together, place your hands on the outside of your thighs and try to open your thighs with your hands providing pressure to keep them closed.

  • Combine toning your thighs with weightlifting. Since you lift with your legs, it only makes sense that you’ll build thigh muscle tissue when you lift weights. You can also use weights while doing lunges and squats for your thighs.
  • Exercise is important, but so is a healthy diet if you want to lose fat and make your thighs slimmer. Don’t forget to eat healthy, skip the sugar, fatty foods and those highly refined options. Stick with whole foods for nutrients, weight loss and less cellulite.
  • Get a rubber playground ball or rolled up towel and exercise while you watch TV. Put the ball/towel between your knees and squeeze it as hard as you can, rest and squeeze again.
  • When you’re ready for a really tough exercise, try raising up on your toes. It doesn’t sound hard, does it? However, the second part is moving into a squatting position without ever letting your heels touch the ground! You can start by using a wall, chair or table for support. Now that’s a workout for your thighs and the rest of your body.

For more information, contact us today at Hawaii Fit Camp!